GAME GENIE(tm) FOR NES(r) CODES (c) 1993 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates made available for the private use of Game Genie owners. No commercial use without authorization. This file may be freely distributed for private, non- commercial use as long as it is not altered and all text remains intact. Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is not manufactured, distributed or endorsed by Nintendo of America Inc. NES is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Game titles are trademarks of their respective owners. Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. U.S. Patent No. 5,112,051. THIS FILE CONTAINS ALL THE GAMES IN CODE UPDATE/NES VOL. 2, #3 (the 7th Update published). 1. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends(tm) Game 2. Bases Loaded 4(tm) Game 3. Battletoads and Double Dragon(tm) Game 4. Best of the Best Championship Karate(tm) Game 5. BreakTime(tm) Game 6. Casino Kid II(tm) Game 7. Cool onStrike(tm) Game 9. DuckTales 2(tm)Game 10. The Great Waldo Search(tm) Game 11. Hillsfar(tm) Game 12. Jurassic Park(tm) Game 13. Kid Klown(tm) Game 14. Kirby's Adventure(tm) Game 15. Mighty Final Fight(tm) Game 16. Panic Restaurant(tm) Game 17. Power Blade 2(tm) Game 18. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves(tm) Game 19. Stunt Kids(tm) Game 20. Ultima, Warriors of Destiny(tm) Game 21. Zen Intergalactic Ninja(tm) Game The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends(tm) Game BULL CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 PAOEZAGA Start with 2 lives 2 AAOEYEZA + AEEIGXZA Start game with no bombs 3 TPOEYEZE Start game with 30 bombs CODES 4 AND 5: ONLY WHEN HE HAS FULL ENERGY 4 TAVEYGYA Rocky(tm) loses no energy when flying 5 TAVEAGZA Rocky loses more energy when flying 6 AANAIGPA Bullwinkle(tm) loses no energy when headbutting 7 AANAPGGE Bullwinkle loses more energy when headbutting 8 SZNEUKVK Infinite lives The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, Rocky and Bullwinkle are trademarks of Ward Productions, Inc. Bases Loaded 4(tm) Game BL4 CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 SZNXGUVV Balls do not count 2 SXOXYUVV Strikes do not count GAME SHOWS ONLY UP TO 2 STRIKES AND 3 BALLS 3 PEOXGLZA 2 strikes and you're out 4 LEOXGLZA 4 strikes and you're out 5 AANZGLLA 1 ball and you walk 6 PANZGLLA 2 balls and you walk 7 ZANZGLLA 3 balls and you walk CODES 8 AND 9 WORK IN 2-PLAYER MODE ONLY 8 PANPUTAA + PEOETGAA Some batters start with count of 1 and 1 9 ZANPUTAA + ZEOETGAA Some batters start with count of 2 and 2 Bases Loaded 4 is a trademark of Jaleco USA Inc. Battletoads and Double Dragon(tm) Game BATT CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 IEEOOALA Start with full lives 2 AEEOOALA Start with 1 life 3 GXXLAAVI Infinite lives (except stage 4) 4 GZSOXPVI Infinite lives on stage 4 5 PEVELZZE Start with 10 continues 6 IYKNIKGX Bonus score now gives invincibility (instead of invincibility pod) 7 YPSYPGIE Longer invincibility 8 ILSYPGIA Even longer invincibility 9 AOSEVAZA Double Dragon(tm) super punch 10 AOUEUAGA Battletoads(tm) super punch 11 AXUIPOYA Stronger enemies Battletoads is a trademark of Rare Ltd. Double Dragon is a trademark of Technos Japan Corporation. Best of the Best Championship Karate(tm) Game BEST CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 AANIGYPA + VTNIPYSA Each round is 0:10 instead of 1:00 2 AANIGYPA + OZVSYYSE + ZANIANTI Each round is 0:20 3 AANIGYPA + OZVSYYSE + LANIANTI Each round is 0:30 4 AANIGYPA + OZVSYYSE + GANIANTI Each round is 0:40 5 AANIGYPA + OZVSYYSE + IANIANTI Each round is 0:50 6 ZANIGYPA Each round is 2:00 7 LANIGYPA Each round is 3:00 8 GANIGYPA Each round is 4:00 9 IANIGYPA Each round is 5:00 10 TANIGYPA Each round is 6:00 11 YANIGYPA Each round is 7:00 12 AANIGYPE Each round is 8:00 13 PANIGYPE Each round is 9:00 14 PAOSUZIA Each match is 1 round instead of 5 15 ZAOSUZIA Each match is 2 rounds 16 LAOSUZIA Each match is 3 rounds 17 GAOSUZIA Each match is 4 rounds 18 TAOSUZIA Each match is 6 rounds 19 SXVSAZVG Infinite time (round never ends) CODES 20 AND 21 CAUSE SOME GRAPHIC ERRORS NEAR TOP OF SCREEN 20 OXNSGIOU + TONSIIZE All physical types are 30 21 OXNSGIOU + ZUNSIIZA All physical types are 50 22 ZLEAZETP Start with 50 resistance points 23 ZLEAPEAZ Start with 50 strength points 24 ZLEALAGP Start with 50 reflex points 25 TGEAZETP Start with 70 resistance points 26 TGEAPEAZ Start with 70 strength points 27 TGEALAGP Start with 70 reflex points 28 AAEVVAGE + AEETOPZA Gain more strength and reflex points in training 29 APEVVAGA + AEETOPZA Gain more resistance points in training Best of the Best Championship Karate is a trademark of Loriciel S.A. BreakTime(tm) Game POOL CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 VAVEILSA + PAVEGLAA Start in Milwaukee 2 VAVEILSA + ZAVEGLAA Start in Atlanta 3 VAVEILSA + LAVEGLAA Start in Los Angeles 4 VAVEILSA + GAVEGLAA Start in Las Vegas BreakTime is a trademark of FCI, Inc. Casino Kid II(tm) Game CAS2 CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 AZKKYOTG Start new game with $82 instead of $200 2 EGKKYOTK Start new game with $512 3 AZSGGPAA Start new game with $21,171 4 EGSGGPAE Start new game with $131,272 5 AASKPPAE Start new game with $1,342,377 6 AZSKPPAA Start new game with $5,368,909 7 PAOASGIE Can't double down in blackjack (game will say you do not have enough money) 8 PAKAVIIE Can't split in blackjack (game will say you do not have enough money) Casino Kid II is a trademark of Sofel Corporation. Cool World(tm) Game COOL CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 PEKGYAZA + PAKZKYZA Start with 2 lives 2 TEKGYAZA + TAKZKYZA Start with 7 lives 3 PEKGYAZE + PAKZKYZE Start with 10 lives 4 GXUVTKVK Infinite lives 5 LEKKGAPA + LAVXXYPA Start with 3 erasers 6 TEKKGAPA + TAVXXYPA Start with 6 erasers 7 PEKKGAPE + PAVXXYPE Start with 9 erasers 8 AZNZEYAE Lots of erasers 9 LEVLGZPA Start with 3 bombs 10 TEVLGZPA Start with 6 bombs 11 PEVLGZPE Start with 9 bombs 12 SXSTOTVG Infinite bombs 13 SXVVKTVG Infinite erasers Cool World is a trademark of Paramount Pictures. DragonStrike(tm) Game DRAG CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 GPKZGEAZ Less energy for bronze dragon 2 AIKZGEAZ More energy for bronze dragon 3 TPKZIEGU Less energy for silver dragon 4 AIKZIEGL More energy for silver dragon 5 ZZKZTAAS Less energy for gold dragon 6 ITKZTAAI More energy for gold dragon 7 OTKGSYSV Infinite energy 8 GZKKNNSE Weapon power doesn't weaken with energy 9 TTXGIALT Gold dragon has excellent armor class 10 YGXKAAPG Gold dragon flies faster 11 ATXGYAGV Silver dragon flies faster 12 YIXGTALI Bronze dragon flies faster DragonStrike is a trademark of TSR, Inc. DuckTales 2(tm)Game TALE CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 GZXGZGVG Infinite lives 2 APONPXAA Take more damage 3 GAONPXAA Take less damage 4 ZAONPXAA Take very little damage 5 ASNKPAAL Start with full energy 6 AONKPAAL Start with a lot less energy 7 PAXSPZAA Have lots of money 8 IEKSPLPA $5,000 cash from small diamonds 9 PEKSPLPE $9,000 cash from small diamonds 10 AAEKAPZA Start with 1 life 11 IAEKAPZA Start with 6 lives 12 AAEKAPZE Start with 9 lives DuckTales 2 is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company. The Great Waldo Search(tm) Game SEARCH CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 EKEIXTEA Only need to find Waldo(tm) to complete the level 2 EKXSNTAG Only need to find the magic scroll WITH CODES 3 AND 4, THE NUMBER OF CLOCK ICONS ON SCREEN MAY BE WRONG 3 SXSGKTVG Extra clocks last forever 4 SZXINYVT Extra clocks worth nothing 5 ZEKKOTPA Faster timer 6 GEKKOTPA Much faster timer 7 OZSIEEOV + GASIOALA Play the Super Waldo Challenge(tm) The Great Waldo Search, Waldo and Super Waldo Challenge are trademarks of Martin Handford. Hillsfar(tm) Game FAR CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . CODES 1 THRU 3 WORK ONLY ON CHARACTERS YOU CREATE 1 IEVANKZA Start with 50% less gold 2 YEVANKZE Start with 50% more gold 3 GOVANKZA Start with 100% more gold 4 AOULILAZ Faster timer when lock-picking 5 ASULILAZ Slower timer when lock-picking 6 ENULILAZ Very slow timer when lock-picking 7 SXKUTSVK + AEKUISAI Infinite knock rings Hillsfar is a trademark of TSR, Inc. Jurassic Park(tm) Game DINO CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 GZUXXKVS Infinite ammo on pick-up 2 PAVPAGZE More bullets picked up from small dinosaurs 3 PAVPAGZA Fewer bullets picked up from small dinosaurs 4 GZEULOVK Infinite lives--1ST 2 LEVELS ONLY 5 ATVGZOSA Immune to most attacks CODES 6 AND 7: FROM SMALL DINOSAURS, INSTEAD OF NORMAL BULLETS 6 VEXASASA + VEUAXASA 3-ball bolas picked up 7 NEXASASA + NEUAXASA Explosive multi-shots Jurassic Park is a trademark of Universal City Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc. Kid Klown(tm) Game KID CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 AANAUAPA Infinite lives 2 SZKEOESE Infinite energy 3 AAEAUGLA Full energy from hearts 4 ZENANLIA Less energy from hearts 5 ZENANLIE More energy from hearts 6 GXEZYVVV Mega jump--DON'T HOLD JUMP BUTTON DOWN FOR TOO LONG OR YOU MAY GET STUCK AT TOP OF SCREEN 7 GZSEIYVG Infinite chances in sub-game (press Start to re- enter the main game) Kid Klown is a trademark of Kemco America, Inc. Kirby's Adventure(tm) Game KIRB CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 PEVXIYGA Start with 2 lives 2 AEVXIYGE Start with 9 lives 3 AOVXIYGA Start with 17 lives 4 ZAKLLXAA Less energy from 'pep drinks' 5 APKLLXAA More energy from 'pep drinks' 6 YZKLLXAE Full energy from 'pep drinks' 7 YONZZNYX Start with less energy 8 YKNZZNYX Start with more energy 9 SZEPSVSE Infinite energy Kirby's Adventure is a trademark of HAL Laboratory, Inc./Nintendo. Mighty Final Fight(tm) Game MFF CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . CODES 1 THRU 4 DON'T WORK ON CONTINUES 1 PEVKTYIA Start with 2 lives 2 LEVKTYIA Start with 4 lives 3 YEVKTYIA Start with 8 lives 4 PEVKTYIE Start with 10 lives 5 SZKSNIVG Infinite lives 6 PENGZYLA Start with 1 credit 7 IENGZYLA Start with 5 credits 8 YENGZYLA Start with 7 credits 9 PENGZYLE Start with 9 credits 10 SZOOLGVG Infinite credits WITH CODES 11 AND 12, THE EXPERIENCE NUMBER MAY BE DISPLAYED INCORRECTLY, BUT IT WILL CORRECT ITSELF. ALSO, YOU MAY NEED TO GET MORE THAN THE NUMBER SHOWN TO GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL 11 OXKAXZSX + AOKAUZIA Gain experience faster (10 pts. at a time) 12 OXKAXZSX + AXKAUZIA Gain experience much faster (20 pts at a time) 13 SZXNUPSA Protection from most hazards CODES 14 THRU 16: 1ST LIFE ONLY 14 ALKGOAAG Cody(tm) starts with 3/4 energy 15 AZKGOAAG Cody starts with 1/2 energy 16 APKGOAAG Cody starts with 1/4 energy CODES 17 THRU 19: AFTER 1ST LIFE 17 ALKSKTAG Cody starts with 3/4 energy 18 AZKSKTAG Cody starts with 1/2 energy 19 APKSKTAG Cody starts with 1/4 energy CODES 20 THRU 22: 1ST LIFE ONLY 20 GZKGXAAL Guy(tm) starts with 3/4 energy 21 APKGXAAU Guy starts with 1/2 energy 22 GAKGXAAU Guy starts with 1/4 energy CODES 23 THRU 25: AFTER 1ST LIFE 23 GZSIXTAL Guy starts with 3/4 energy 24 APSIXTAU Guy starts with 1/2 energy 25 GASIXTAU Guy starts with 1/4 energy CODES 26 THRU 28: 1ST LIFE ONLY 26 GLKGUAAS Haggar(tm) starts with 3/4 energy 27 AZKGUAAS Haggar starts with 1/2 energy 28 GPKGUAAI Haggar starts with 1/4 energy CODES 29 THRU 31: AFTER 1ST LIFE 29 GLSSETAS Haggar starts with 3/4 energy 30 AZSSETAS Haggar starts with 1/2 energy 31 GPSSETAI Haggar starts with 1/4 energy 32 EXSEYIKZ + IEVAASLT Cody is stronger 33 EZEAYTKZ + IAEEAVLT Guy is stronger 34 EZXAYTKZ + LAXEAVLT Haggar is stronger 35 EXSEYIKZ + IEVAASLT + AKEASELA Cody is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch 36 EZEAYTKZ + IAEEAVLT + AGUAKPZA Guy is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch 37 EZXAYTKZ + LAXEAVLT + AKKEUOIA Haggar is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch 38 OZUEAVOU + AGUEPTVI + XTUEZTNE Cody is much stronger 39 OZSATVOU + AGSAYVEZ + XTSEAVEE Guy is much stronger 40 OZNAGVOU + AGNAITYI + XTNATVOE Haggar is much stronger 41 SZUEAVOU Cody is weaker 42 SZSATVOU Guy is weaker 43 SZNAGVOU Haggar is weaker Mighty Final Fight, Cody, Guy and Haggar are trademarks of Capcom Co. Ltd. Panic Restaurant(tm) Game PANIC CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 OXVPPAVK Infinite energy--except when you fall on spikes 2 GASYZGZA Start with 4 hearts CODES 3 AND 4: HEART METER MAY LOOK FUNNY 3 TASYZGZA Start with 6 hearts 4 ZASYZGZE Start with 10 hearts 5 PAOZNIZA Start with 2 lives 6 IAOZNIZA Start with 5 lives CODES 7 AND 8: METER SHOWS ONLY UP TO 9 LIVES 7 ZAOZNIZE Start with 10 lives 8 YAOZNIZE Start with 15 lives 9 SAOSAGVG Infinite lives CODES 10 THRU 12: 1ST LEVEL ONLY 10 AIVYGGLT + AIVKXYLT Start with 80 on timer 11 TGVYGGLT + TGVKXYLT Start with 70 on timer 12 GLVYGGLV + GLVKXYLV Start with 60 on timer 13 OZVKGZVK Infinite time Panic Restaurant is a trademark of Taito Corporation. Power Blade 2(tm) Game BLADE CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 AEKEPTZA Start with 1 life 2 IEKEPTZA Start with 6 lives 3 AEKEPTZE Start with 9 lives 4 GZSILAVG Infinite lives CODES 5 AND 6: EXCEPT FOR FALLING ON SPIKES OR OFF SCREEN 5 OVSLZLSV Infinite energy 6 OVSLZLSV + PESLLLAA Take minimal damage 7 ATKKXZSZ Stop timer 8 YPKGNXYU Speed up timer 9 YYKGNXYU Slow down timer 10 GXEVXTVG Infinite life tanks 11 GZEIPLVG Infinite energy tanks 12 OZVULSOK + SANLZIVT Maximum throwing ability on pick-up 13 SAKSZZSZ Throw meter doesn't decrease when boomerang is thrown Power Blade 2 is a trademark of Taito Corporation. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves(tm) Game HOOD CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 VAXEOLSA Infinite hit points for Robin in 'main combat' 2 EYXAOPAL Infinite hit points for Robin in 'dueling combat' 3 GOXLLNAA Bandages give more hit points back 4 AOULIUAE Food gives more hit points back--EXCEPT FOR LEG OF MEAT 5 AASPIZPA Infinite arrows Robin Hood is a trademark of Morgan Creek Productions, Inc. Stunt Kids(tm) Game STUNT CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 AESGNZZA Start with 1 life instead of 3 2 IESGNZZA Start with 6 lives 3 PESGNZZE Start with 9 lives 4 SZSZSKVK Infinite lives 5 AEESPALA Start with 0 turbos instead of 3 6 TEESPALA Start with 6 turbos 7 PEESPALE Start with 9 turbos 8 VANILVKE Always have 9 coins after a race 9 SZKOEOVV Coins worth nothing on pick up 10 SLNOYXVS Infinite time--player 1 11 SLXOYUVS Infinite time--player 2 Stunt Kids is a trademark of Codemasters Software Company Ltd. Ultima, Warriors of Destiny(tm) Game DEST CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 SUSTXSVS Infinite consumable items such as food and torches--MAY NOT BE ABLE TO DISCARD SOME ITEMS 2 AAEZIPZL A night at the Wayfarer Inn(tm) is free At Healer's Herbs(tm): 3 AEUZPAPA Sulfurous ash is free instead of 1 GP 4 AEUZGAZA Ginseng is free instead of 2 GP 5 AEUZYAZA Garlic is free instead of 2 GP 6 AEUXIAGT An Tym Scroll(tm) is free instead of 100 GP 7 AEKZAAVP Spellbook is free instead of 150 GP 8 AEUXZAGA Spidersilk is free instead of 4 GP From Pendra(tm): 9 AEEXZAGA Spidersilk is free instead of 4 GP 10 AEEZYALA Black Pearl is free instead of 3 GP 11 AEEZGAZA Garlic is free instead of 2 GP 12 AEEZPAZA Ginseng is free instead of 2 GP 13 AEEXIELG Sant Talisman(tm) is free instead of 75 GP At Iolo's Bows(tm): 14 AAEXIELG Bow is free instead of 75 GP 15 AAEXZEPP Wooden shield is free instead of 25 GP 16 AAEZGALA Dagger is free instead of 3 GP 17 AAEZYEAZ Short sword is free instead of 40 GP 18 AAOZAAVP Crossbow is free instead of 150 GP 19 AAOZLAAZ + AAOZGALA Magic bow is free instead of 800 GP 20 AAOZTAPA Arrow is free instead of 1 GP 21 AAOXPAZA Bolt is free instead of 2 GP 22 PAOZAPAE Sell Dagger for 2,305 instead of 1 GP 23 LAOZLPAG Sell Short sword for 2,848 instead of 20 GP 24 YAOZTPAE Sell Wooden shield for 3,850 instead of 10 GP 25 AESXEZGA Start new game with 201 instead of 1,225 GP 26 AOSXEZGA Start new game with 4,297 instead of 1,225 GP 27 YNSXEZGE Start new game with 32,713 instead of 1,225 GP Ultima, Warriors of Destiny, Wayfarer Inn, Healer's Herbs, Pendra, An Tym Scroll, Sant Talisman and Iolo's Bows are trademarks of Richard Garriott. Zen Intergalactic Ninja(tm) Game ZEN CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . . 1 ZAELNGIE 9 lives allowed in 'options' 2 SZSPGTVG + SZOZYTVG Infinite lives 3 PAEUGGLA + PAXUNTLA Fewer hits in shield 4 TAEUGGLA + TAXUNTLA Double hits in shield 5 PAEUGGLE + PAXUNTLE Triple hits in shield 6 GZNLYUSE Infinite energy 7 NYNXVTOE Slower timer 8 YTNXVTOE Faster timer 9 YINXVTOE Even faster timer 10 AEUAOLGE Zen does increased damage--isometric stages 11 GOUAOLGA Zen does mega damage--isometric stages 12 AAKXUIGE Jab attack does more damage--horizontal stages 13 GPKXUIGA Mega jab attack damage--horizontal stages Zen Intergalactic Ninja is a trademark of Zen Comics Inc.