Codemasters had quite a few more NES games ready to be released when Camerica unfortunately went out of
business and Codemasters giving up hope. The last Codemasters release made by Camerica was the Aladdin
Deck Enhancer and it's 7 launch titles, all games already released, except the Aladdin pack-in, Dizzy the
Anyway, on the back of the Aladdin Deck Enhancer box, Camerica/Codemsters announced no less than 11 titles
in the works for the Aladdin system, although most of them had already been released as normal carts aswell.
Go! Dizzy! Go (included on the Quattro Arcade Camerica Gold Cartridge), Bignose the Caveman, Bee52,
Stunt Kids, Mig29 Soviet Fighter, F16 Renegade(included on the Quattro Arcade Camerica Gold Cartridge),
CJ's Elephant Antics (included on the Quattro Arcade Camerica Gold Cartridge and The Ultimate Stuntman were
all previously released.
So the interesting stuff left of the lot of 11 titles were Team Sports Basketball, Metal Man and Dreamworld
Pogie. Team Sports Basketball eventually turned into Team Sports Challenge, which could be considered as
Quattro Sports 2, and would contain the following games: American Football, Baseball, Basketball and Ice Hockey.
Unfortunately Team Sports Challenge never saw the light of day, or massproduction rather. Camerica went
bankrupt and Codemasters did continue releasing a few carts in Europe before giving up. Eventhough Team
Sports Challenge was completed, even the final testing, according to Peter Williamson who was in charge
of producing the game, time just ran out and the game was put in a box.
Yes, amongst the other Codemasters NES games I was responsible for (Linus, Mig29, parts of Quattro Sports
and Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy etc.) I was in charge of Team Sports Challenge (or Quattro Team Sports)
as it was probably going to be known. ~ Peter Williamson
Unfortunately the binaries no longer exist on Williamson's backup disks, who knows, a dusty copy of the game
might exist somewhere at Codemasters, that is if it wasn't thrown away years ago. The source still exist though,
but without a Codemasters' development kit, the source isn't of much use unfortunately.