This game was one of a few titles Sachen never managed to release back in the days. The game was developed in 1993, and completed it seems, but was for
some unknown reason never put into production, eventhough the title was mentioned on a sticker, placed on the back of serveral Sachen Famicom cartridges.
The title was no were to be found on Sachen's list of games available for purchase, and when asked about the title, all everyone heard from
Sachen was... "no produce".
Then a few years ago, a guy by the name of Jason, probably better known as NES-God, managed to put an order for a limited quantity of Huge Insect cartridges,
somewhere between 10 and 20 pieces. As far as I know, these copies are the only ones to ever have been manufactured. However, at Sachen's new website,
recently launched, Huge Insect now is available for ordering, but no one has successfully been able to place an order at all on their website.
Anyway, it seems like Huge Insect never had any real label art or box art made for it. All copies received by Jason were packed in generic Sachen boxes,
of various colors. A badly made sticker/label of the Huge Insect titlescreen was put on the box and cartridge, looks like it was made on an inkjet
color printer, using standard white paper.
Huge Insect plays a lot like the game Galaga, and will not run properly on a PAL NES system, even with the use of a converter. But it's quite playable and should
be able to provide good fun :-)
Finding this game in the wild is near impossible, your only hope is that Sachen someday manufactures another batch.