A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... oh wait that's another story. Well some years back I picked up a DVD copy of Ghostbusters 2, I absolutely loved the
first movie and having seen it on lots of occations, the same couldn't be said about the sequel.
The movie is a typical sequel where they try to make money of the hype from the first movie and it seems that the producer obviously didn't care about how
crappy the movie was, as long as they make a profit. However that's just my oppinion of course and the movie does have better effects than the first one.
To maximize the profit, a few companies were allowed to sneaked their products into the movie as a form of advertisement, one of them being
Near the end of the movie, the Ghostbusters gets the weird idea of using the Statue of Liberty to fight the evil pink fluid whatever it is, but how are they
going to control that thing? by using a NES Advantage joypad ofcourse! clever, clever....
One pretty stupid idea, but hey if it makes money for the people behind the film, then it's okay right?. One thing that makes me wonder though, when kids saw
this NES Advantage joypad and begged their parrents to get one, did anyone bring their NES Advantage to the Statue of Liberty to try to steer it? and what
happened when it didn't work?...