nesworld.com - nesworld news archive

September 1st, 2015 - 2:43 pm - Posted by Martin

Oh my! Today is NESWORLDs official 20th birthday. While the site actually went online a few days early back in 1995, today it’s officially 20 years.

It all began back when I was studying, originally NESWORLD was an e-zine with horrible spelling, yeah even worse than now, but as the NES Journal as it was called was text only, I really wanted to take a different route, so pictures could be added.

A classmate of mine back then often spoke about opening a website called Binary World, something with Amiga antivirus stuff we was co-coding, if I remember correctly. Well I decided to borrow the “world” part and NESWORLD was on its way to the internet.

Back then I had no access to the Internet from home, so the very first version of the site was brought to school on a single 3.5” floppy and then uploaded to my account on the schools Unix server.

Over the years the site went through several graphic updates, some for the better and some for the worse, not everything about NESWORLD was just the info about Nintendo, but I had a lot of fun making graphics and messing around with HTML, one of the main reasons for the many visual changes.

When I left school the site was facing closure as I had no place to move it to, but fortunately an online friend stepped forward and the first of many homes for NESWORLD was a reality. Over the years NESWORLD was hosted at places and some are actually still available on archive.org




Finally, after many website relocations, NESWORLD was hosted by the Parodius Network for many, many years, but it sadly came to an end in April 2012, as Parodius would close in August that year. For the first time ever, NESWORLD would from then on be hosted at a web hotel, by A2 hosting, where it still sits today.      

Along with NESWORLD I have also had a few other website projects going, like Classicon – a multi console website that never really got off the ground, even earlier I think I had a site in the works called GB Zone which was, guessed it? A Gameboy site, heh.

The most successful other project was 64scener, a “scene” site back in the Nintendo64 hey-days. It was a lot of fun to make especially as things were happening as I was updating, unlike NESWORLD which was all things of the past. I had a lot of fun making 64scener, but I also have to be honest and admit that it did take a lot of focus from NESWORLD.

64scener closed in 2014 after many years in hiatus, when the Nintendo64 era came to an end the site did switch to Gamecube, Gameboy Advance and such and with great success, but once that was over as well, I kind of lost interest and also didn’t really know in what direction I wanted to take the site.

Today NESWORLD is also in a sort of hiatus, I am now married with no less than 3 kids, house owner and the energy just isn’t there to publish stuff on a regular basis, the site is not dead and I’m sure updates will pick up at some point as there are lots of things I still would like to explore.

Anyway that’s it for now, if you would like to read more “in depth” about the history of NESWORLD, please visit the slightly outdated “history of NESWORLD” on the left.

Well as a last note I would like to thank every one out there who have visited NESWORLD over the years, those who frequently visited the forum and made it an awesome place to be, all who have supported me and the site over the years, especially Jeremy Chadwick of Parodius, without him the site never would’ve made it this far.

- Martin