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You may have heard about the prototype sale on ebay, where a previously unknown copy of the Looking Glass Studios game called Wildwaters was being auctioned off with a reserve of $500.
The auction ended yesterday with a final price of no less than $1600, I think that's a record for an N64 proto sale on ebay.
Well to celebrate the sale I've updated the proto section and the page about Wildwaters.
Another official development tool for the N64 was the IS-Viewer64 which works pretty much like the V64jr pirate cart back in the day, well why not click below to check it out :-)
January 11th, 2012 - 7:03 am - Posted by Martin
A few bugs have been found after the release of Super Mario Unlimited, the amazing work of Frantik that gives the old Super Mario Bros game a whole new life, 1UP maybe?
Yeah anyway, after the release a few bugs were discovered and therefore a new version has been released.
Fix bug with mario coins which only affect worlds 7 and 8
Fix minor tile bug with "quest for yoshi continues"
Fix minor issue in 2-5 (mario could be seen when entering pipe)
Make 6-4 slightly easier
Reduce time in 8-5 to 600 ticks (from 700 ticks in v0.996)
January 4th, 2012 - 12:57 pm - Posted by Martin
A homebrewn project called "Nomolos: Storming the Catsle" (yes it's spelled like that) has been in development for some time now and is almost ready to be released. This isn't just a regular download though, but the game with be released on an actual cartridge.
The cost is roughly $32 (+ shipping) and right now the game can be preordered at the Gradual Games blog ( here ) for $32, please note that the price may chance slightly and doesn't include shipping.
Are you going to help defeating the evil hippo? :-)